Cold Weather and Hair Loss?
Some people have a notion that winter season can fuel loss of hair. However, experts claim that these kinds of notions can be partially true. Normally, medical experts suggest that winters can really be harmful, if you already suffer from a dry scalp. During the initiation of winter season, most of us face the problem of dryness. Even our skin dries out due to lack of moisture. Similarly, our scalp can become even drier. Dust and dirt can actually add on to this and result in loss of hair.
Myth: Low Temperatures in the surrounding environment increases Hair Loss?
Some people believe that a drop in temperature can actually lead towards an increase in hair loss. But, medical experts suggest that such a notion is absolutely baseless. As a matter of fact, low temperatures in the environment do not have any influence on loss of hair. You shall be very surprised to hear that winter allows growth of hair to a large extent. Therefore, people might get more scalp hair in the cooler parts of the year. This can in turn, help them stay warm.
A study conducted by experts in the University Hospital of Zurich backs up the fact that winter doesn’t lead to hair loss. The study has been conducted for the period of almost six years. It has been found that people tend to lose the least amount of hair during the chilly months of the year.
Fact: Hair Loss can be related to Seasonal Variations
It has been observed that people lose about 50 to 100 strands of hair on a regular basis. During the later part of the year, loss of hair usually increases. Thus, hair loss is more noticeable during the winter season. Women are predicted to have a greater hair loss during winters. Although this is a common trend; men also suffer.
Usually, people experiencing seasonal shedding have nothing to worry about. It is understood that hair will re-grow once loss occurs. Losing up to 100 hairs in a day is normal; and there is nothing wrong in losing the same. Baldness resulting from excessive loss of hair can be of major concern. In case you notice excessive hair fall, we suggest that you must consult a medical expert in order to restore your hair effectively. You can contact or visit Natural Hair Transplant (NHT) to get the best consultation about any hair related problem.
Myth: Keeping your Scalp Warm with a Hat can cause Unwanted Hair Loss
Hats provide a number of benefits to your scalp and hair. Wearing a hat can give several benefits in addition to making your style statements. Hats can give you a natural protection from uncontrollable environmental factors. But at the same time, it gets a lot of blame for being one of the primary reasons of hair fall. However, this is considered to be a myth at the end of the day.
It has been a proven fact that wearing a hat won’t contribute to baldness or increase your chances for hair loss. But, wearing a hat puts friction or strain on your hair follicles, weakening them to a large extent. This causes the hair to fall out. In reality, the big thing you have to worry about when it comes to wearing a hat is whether it is clean or not. A dirty hat can give you an infection on the scalp, which can trigger hair loss.
Fact: Hair does get Drier in Winter
While winter weather and fashion are no way related to loss of hair, but it can actually trigger dryness in your scalp. You might notice that it is drier or your hair feels more brittle in the winter season. Dandruff can be a major problem, which must be controlled through medications. You may also want to swap the shampoo you use in the winter for one that is more moisturizing and nourishing. If dandruff is an issue in cooler weather, look for a shampoo having dandruff fighting ingredients. Go for a coconut oil massage, if you feel that your scalp is too dry to be shampooed.
Another way to add moisture to dry, brittle hair is through improving conditioning efforts. Try to use a deep level conditioner every week. This would reduce the dryness to a large extent.
If you do notice an increase in hair loss this winter, you can blame it on your genes also, you can have a look on last posted article about causes for hair loss. However, there is no substitute for a careful regime, as this is an important step towards restoring your healthy, voluminous hair.