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NHT Clinics Locations in Dehradun
Natural Hair Transplant in Dehradun
Subhash Road, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248001

98726 33771

Hair Transplant in Dehradun

Most Trusted Hair Transplant Doctor Of Dehradun


Hair Transplant Surgeon

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Hair Transplant Services Offered in Dehradun
  • FUE hair transplant process has been certified to be safe enough to be conducted on patients.
  • Giga sessions Upto 4000 grafts can be transplanted with Giga Session in a day.
  • Body hair transplant Hairs from body parts used where there is poor donor at scalp.


Hair Transplant Results of 3000 Grafts
Hair Transplant Results of 3570 Grafts
Hair Transplant Results of 3500 Grafts
Hair Transplant Results of 2500 Grafts
Hair Transplant Results of 3000 Grafts
Hair Transplant Results of 2800 Grafts
Hair Transplant Results of 4000 Grafts


Step 1 - Select your baldness level
Step 2 - Fill the Form to Know the Actual Cost Estimation

Hair loss is a general condition that affects people at some point in their lives. Androgenic hair loss is the most common type that is observed in both men and women. However, the percentage of men affected by hair loss is more as compared to women. The diseases like thyroid, anemia, chemotherapy and low vitamin levels may also cause hair loss.

Hair transplant in Dehradun can be the ultimate solution to eliminate all your hair loss or baldness problems. It is a simple process of harvesting and implanting the hair follicles, from the donor area to the recipient region. The follicular units will be inserted into the bald areas as per the design that you and your surgeon have decided before.

Hair Transplant in Dehradun

Undergoing successful hair transplant involves multiple steps that one has to follow with utmost care and caution. It is important to get this treatment done from a specialist as the expertise in hair transplant is very significant. At NHT clinic, hair restoration is performed with the help of the latest techniques by highly educated and experienced surgeons.

How NHT is better than other hair transplant clinics?

To get the highly advanced treatment at reasonable hair transplant cost in Dehradun, NHT is by far the best possible solution in terms of high quality & affordable price. By dealing with NHT, you’ll surely feel confident while taking the decision of moving ahead for the hair transplant surgery.

In addition, to clear your doubts and confusion regarding the post-treatment results, we can provide you the references of our previous patients. You can ask them about our standard of services and our way of dealing with the patients. You can also check the online reviews and feedback about our hair transplant surgeon & clinic.

Services Offered by NHT Clinic in Dehradun

What is the Cost of Hair Transplant in Dehradun?

Spending a high amount on hair restoration treatment is not an easy job for moderate or average income people. In their cases, it becomes more important to take care of the implanted hair after surgery so that they can get the complete return value for their hard-earned money.

Most of the hair transplant surgeons offer complete packages that include one or two PRP therapies to enhance the transplanted hair growth. A consultation session with your doctor is necessary to get the complete cost. After the consultation, you will also get to know about the ideal candidacy and multiple other aspects about surgical hair loss treatment.

The Services offered by Natural Hair Transplant

FUT Hair Transplant

FUT Hair Transplant

FUT is a traditional method that is now developed with the latest advancements. The persons who have large bald areas and who want to implant more than the average number of grafts in a single session can go for FUT technique.

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FUE Hair Transplant

FUE Hair Transplant

Unlike other conventional hair restoration procedures, FUE is a completely safe method. Since FUE is a minimally invasive technique, there is no requirement for hospitalization or complicated aftercare.

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PRP Therapy

PRP therapy is the process of extracting the platelet-rich plasma from the patient’s blood and injecting it to the hair loss affected areas of the scalp. It can either be used as an independent treatment or it is also carried out after the process of hair transplantation.

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Hair Transplant Procedure video
Hair Transplant Procedure video
Hair Transplant Procedure video

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