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Hair Transplant / Women Hair Transplant

Women Hair Transplant

Women Hair Transplant

As compared to men, it is more difficult for women to live with baldness. Women’s hair is a part of their identity because hair makes them more young & beautiful. They do not want to lose their hair ever in their lifetime; as hair loss can put devastating effects on their quality of life. It can even contribute in various psychological & emotional problems; causing anxiety, depression or low self-esteem.

Is it Right for Women to undergo Hair Transplant Surgery?

Most of the people think that only men can undergo the hair transplant procedure; but it is not true. Hair transplantation can be done for men and women as well. The superb surgical advancements have proved as a boon for both men and women suffering from hair troubles. However, the count of men hair transplant candidates is higher than that of women.

Hair Transplant for Women

The procedures of extraction and implantation of hair grafts are same as that of hair transplant in men. After hair restoration, the transplanted hair growth will be natural and permanent; thus you can flaunt and style your hair as you desire.

The main areas of women hair transplant are:

  • Eyebrow
  • Head and
  • Eyelash

Which Women are Good Candidates for Hair Transplant?

Likewise men candidates, it is mandatory for women as well, to check the overall eligibility for hair transplantation. They can go for this surgical treatment if their hair analysis test comes out to be positive.

Below mentioned are the scenarios in which the women can successfully undergo the hair transplant surgery:

  • Hair loss due to mechanical or traction alopecia
  • Female pattern baldness (hairline recession or vertex thinning)
  • Alopecia Marginalis
  • Donor area not affected by Androgenic Alopecia
  • Hair loss around the incision sites due to previously done cosmetic or plastic surgery
  • Scarring Alopecia
  • Hair loss occurred due to trauma, accident, chemical burn etc.