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Hair Transplant / Pre and Post Surgery Instructions

Pre and Post Surgery Instructions

Here, we are listing important instructions and guidelines about the hair transplant surgery. By going through the following instructions related to hair transplantation, you can plan your pre-procedure and post-procedure activities in the appropriate way.

Pre Surgery Instructions

Two Weeks before Hair Transplant Surgery:

Pre Surgery Instructions

Avoid wearing T-shirts, other thermal under garments that need to wear from head. Wear regular shirts at the time of hair restoration procedure.

Pre Surgery Instructions

Avoid taking blood thinning medications like aspirin for a few days before if possible. Take a Ceftum* 500mg tablet in morning and evening daily (Or as advised by the doctor) 3 days prior to HT process. .( Please consult your HT surgeon for confirmation as the instructions may vary from each doctor).

Pre Surgery Instructions

If your hair/scalp is dandruff prone, then it is advisable to take KZ*/ Arcolane*/Scalp shampoo*/ Betadine Surgical Scrub*/ daily 3 days prior to the hair transplant. (Please consult your HT surgeon for confirmation as the instructions may vary from each doctor)

Pre Surgery Instructions

Shampoo your hairs properly before coming for the procedure. Rinse hairs thoroughly and use a clean towel to dry your hair. Strict NO to oil, sprays or gels to your hair before surgery. If you wear a wig, please make sure it is removed prior to your morning shower and not replaced before your procedure. Wear cap after shampoo to keep the hair free of dust.

Pre Surgery Instructions

Avoid Smoking/Alcohol/Gutka etc few days before and after hair transplant.

Pre Surgery Instructions

Stop taking Minoxidil, Finasteride at least 2-3 weeks before going for hair loss treatment.

Pre Surgery Instructions

Please feel free to share any medical problems with your doctor in advance to avoid any hassle during the surgery process. Also avoid any kind of exertion and be relaxed, take proper sleep at least one day before the surgery.

Pre Surgery Instructions

Do not come to clinic empty stomach. Have healthy, digestible breakfast or lunch before the procedure. Avoid spicy food.

Pre Surgery Instructions

It is advisable, not to carry valuables like gold etc to the clinic

Pre Surgery Instructions

At least one relative/friend is recommended to accompany the patient

Pre Surgery Instructions

Some tests such as Blood tests ( HB%, RBS, CT, HBsAg, HIV-Elisa, BT, LFT, Australia Antigen and ECG) need to be done 2 days prior to the hair transplant surgery and shared with respective doctors personally or via email.

Pre Surgery Instructions

Get your hair colored black if you have gray hairs if possible for surgical convenience before 2 days of procedure. OR just inform us and come early to the clinic to get it done prior to the procedure.

Pre Surgery Instructions

If you opt Body Hair Transplant (BHT), it is advisable to shave the possible body donor area (chest, pubic, armpit, back or thighs) hairs exactly 4 days prior of your procedure date.

Pre Surgery Instructions

It is strictly advised, not to drive back home on the day of your procedure as you may be receiving medications during the procedure that can make you drowsy.

Pre Surgery Instructions

It is strongly recommended to exercise your scalp skin. This can be done by sliding your skin up and down on the back and side of the head by holding it with the palms of the hands 100 times a day. This will increase its blood supply which help in improving the quality of linear scar in strip procedure.

Pre Surgery Instructions

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to make sure everything is perfect

Post Surgery Instructions

Day 1

  • Don't worry about the pain, it is mild which is bound to happen.
  • Take proper medicines as per prescription. Take proper milk/food prior taking the medicines. Please don't take medicines empty stomach
  • Be relaxed; watch movies/listen music to divert your mind from pain. Please avoid excretion/stress/jerky moments to your head.
  • Have proper sleep and use soft pillow while sleeping.
  • If pain doesn't stop, repeat the pain killers as advised by the doctors.

Day 2

  • Get the bandages removed from doctors with the prior appointment or as mentioned in doctor's instructions.
  • Take bath excluding head.
  • Clean your grafts after removal of bandage as per detailed instructions by the hair transplant surgeons, as moisture is necessary for grafts.
Post Surgery Care

Week 1

Don't comb/rub your grafts.

Post Surgery Care

Week 2

Mild rubbing is permissible. You can use minoxidil lotion or other lotions as per the instruction by the doctor. Grafts starts falling at this time, but nothing to worry as it will start growing again within 3-4 months.

General Instructions

Post Surgery Care

About Donor Area – Donor area must also be taken proper care by cleaning with sprays and apply ointment as per doctor's instruction. The stitches will gently get loosen/removed in 7-10 days and fall apart.

Post Surgery Care

Exercise - Take a walk/mild jogging for at least 2 weeks but don't do any exercise that can stretch your neck.

Post Surgery Care

Post Operative Swelling - This can be possible but nothing to worry about. This could be visible towards the fore head and can be upto 4-5 days. You are advisable to apply ice cubes by putting them in a piece of cloth.

Our hair transplant doctors and their staff are always available for follow up discussions, if any. DO REMEMBER to take the contact details of your doctor before you leave the clinic.

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