The FUT (Follicular units Transplant) is a procedure that involves removing follicular units through a thin, horizontal strip and then broken down under a microscope in effect means that they are taken apart. So once this process has been concluded, the units are further inserted right into the recipient area. While, the FUE (follicular unit extraction) in which the hair follicles are taken out in the form of strip from the donor region.
In this procedure, the minute clusters of hair are extracted from the donor area in a strip and then spread into the recipient area, which is the region suffering from hair loss. In essence, these units are naturally occurring and which invariably tends to replicate natural growth in the recipient area if it undergoes proper transplant.
However, this procedure practically not a lengthy and intensive process, but, the effects are relatively worth. by the use of follicular transplant the large grafts of hair were removed in groups by the surgeons. However, there is one issue which has been reported by many of the patients the follicular units could get damaged sometime which could invariably affect the hair growth. This surgery should be done under the guidance of reputed clinic or any reputed surgeon.
Process of FUT Hair Transplant:
- Places single hair units at the front of your hairline
- Places 2 hair units behind the hairline
- Places 3 hair units behind the 2 hair units
- Then places 4 hair units behind the 3 hair units

It is imperative to know that at least a maximum of about 4,000 hairs follicles can be transplanted in a single session and the clinical surgeon will make use highly sterilized clips or stitches to seal up the incision from the region where the follicles were extracted. But it is better to know these things upfront so you were aware of everything. A patient should know about the potential risks. Some of the possible complications/risks we had mentioned below:
- Poor/slow hair growth: may be as a result of damage hair follicles.
- Infection: this is extremely rare as antibiotics are prescribed before and after surgery.
- Noticeable scarring: the surgeon will try and place the incision in an appropriate part of the donor area so that it the scar will be difficult to see.
- Poor wound healing: genetics can play an important part in this also, in fact some people do heal more quickly than others.
- Changes in the pigmentation of the skin: there is a risk of hyper-pigmentation (darkening) to the skin although this is very rare.
However, a follicular unit transplant procedure can be a two stage process which is as follows:
- Stage one: follicular units are removed either as a ‘strip’ or via direct extraction (FUE)
- Stage two: these units are then inserted into the bald area of the scalp
- This procedure is surgical so basically stitches are used to cover the incisions in the donor area from where the strip of hair is extracted, causing extensive delay in recovery and a patient can have problems like sleeping discomfort.
- Infections can possibly occur in the stitched region either when they mistakenly split for any reason or from unprofessional job done and this can affect recovery time for a longer.
- Due to the stitches, scars can practically remain on scalp for a whole lifetime and can destroy a person’s self confidence by invariably spoiling the looks.
- Absorbable stitches takes longer time period to heal, thus giving problems to the patient.
However, Everything has a cost therefore, FUT (Follicular unit transplant) also have some some risks. This is a highly successful and safe surgical procedure. Also, the cost for FUT Hair transplant surgery is cheap compared to other countries. Basically, it depends upon the number of hair grafts required for proper hair transplant.