Most of the expert medical practitioners in the field of hair transplantation, had agreed to the fact that hair transplant is a life-changing experience altogether! However, certain alarming observations also point towards the cases of failures. Therefore, it is important to take down the intricate details from field experts prior to the process of execution.
Patients, who have actually planned for undergoing a hair transplant surgery, need to take care of too many details. Consequently, they can pose several questions to the medical practitioners before undergoing the process. In order to satisfy the needs of the hair transplant candidates, we have explained certain nitty-gritty’s related to hair transplantation in this blog.
10 Common Questions About Hair Loss Procedures – Answered
How to choose the location of the most reliable and affordable hair transplant services?
Most of the patients tend to come up with this question in order to decide the effectiveness of the surgery. In addition to this, patients would also like to know about the costs in totality which might be required in order to conduct an effective process of hair transplantation. However, expert consultants in the field of hair restoration suggest that you need to take thorough information, so that you can get maximum return on your investment.
Who is the best surgeon, who can conduct surgery pertaining to hair transplant?
This is one of the most pertinent questions that come to the mind of the patients while considering a hair transplantation surgery. There are plenty of good hair transplant surgeons available, who can conduct hair restoration surgeries based on your choice. You might have a specific case and therefore you need to shortlist some of the highly qualified & experienced surgeons available in various clinics which are accessible to you. Speak to them in priority while you decide the details of execution.
What about the treatment area?
Most of the patients would ask on the details related to the treatment area. You should have a clear idea that whether you address a thinning or receding hairline. Then accordingly, the decision needs to be taken, so as to allow the doctor to frame the case exclusively. Make sure that you address critical problem areas with a preferred and expected outcome.
Will the surgery be painful?
This is again one of the most common questions about a hair transplantation surgery. Since the process is considered to be minimally invasive, the process requires application of local anesthesia in order to be executed. Therefore even if the process is little painful, you will not feel the pain.
Will the process leave scars on your scalp?
Most of us actually are afraid of scars which might sometime be an outcome of a hair transplant surgery. However, scars can only be formed depending on the kind of technology particularly used. You might consider a Follicular Unit Extraction if you are afraid of scars. The kind of technology required for a particular patient needs to be decided by a qualified surgeon at the end of the day, after analyzing & examining all the aspects of the patient’s hair problem.
Will everyone know about hair transplant?
A useful but an impertinent question from the hair transplant candidates; which is faced by many clinics in these modern days. Scars even if made, will be hidden under your existing hair growth, once the surgery is successfully completed on the recipient area. The growth of transplanted hair will look completely natural, just like the existing hair. Therefore, the patients have nothing to worry about.
Will the results be permanent?
Most of the patients spend a lot in order to get natural growth of hair on the scalp. Therefore they generally ask whether the results will be long-lasting? This of course remains to be a good question and can only be ensured through a proper and continuous treatment regimen, in order to give continuity to the process. Lifestyle and consumption also remain to be major drivers in triggering the positive outcomes amongst the patients.
Will there be any need for a second hair transplant?
Most of the patients in the Indian market do a little bit of research surveys before they decide to go for a surgery. A research survey done properly can eliminate the need of second hair transplant; as the expert hair transplant surgeons say that there are hardly any such requirements if you follow the prescribed regimen carefully.
How long will I need to rest after the surgery?
This is as prescribed by your hair transplant doctor. However, in most of the cases, a few days (3-4) of rest facilitates the recovery process after hair transplantation.
Will I lose more hair because of the surgery in the donor area?
Losing out on some hair follicles seems to be a common practice after a successful hair transplantation surgery. However, there is nothing to worry. This will be made up soon if you take care of your lifestyle and diet consumption.
Most of the patients planning to go for hair transplantation need to take answers for several questions as given above. A guided lifestyle can add more benefits. Location of the treatment remains to be carefully selected in case you have decided to go for the hair transplantation. The location identifies cost aspect i.e. hair transplantation in Hyderabad can be priced differently in comparison to that of Bangalore.
We suggest you to choose your hair transplant doctor and clinic very carefully. We’ll also recommend you the name of Natural Hair Transplant (NHT), which is a very good hair transplant service provider in multiple locations across the nation. You can submit your query at their website and they will guide you with the best at each & every phase.