Hair care becomes a mandate for some people till the time they had already started to suffer. However sufferings due to hair loss remains to be crucial and excessive hair loss may compel one to take action. There are various methods applicable which allows you to take care of your hair. Hair transplantation remains to be the last resort, when there are no other alternatives available.
What is Hair Transplant?
Hair Transplant is one of the perfect treatment for excessive hair loss. It is one of the cost effective surgery and especially this surgery is done by the guidance of professional surgeons. There was a time when no one knew about this miracle surgery. The very first thing it do is to restore your hairs and the growth of your hair will be remain same like previous. Example: after few months of surgery you’ll never realized that you had one.

Although hair transplant can be cheaper or can be expensive for some. however, it depends upon the area you live in, reputation of clinic and the number of grafts you required by checking your baldness level. But again, it is important that you consult professional surgeon for this process.
Another important thing is, patients should know what are the pros and cons of hair transplantation so, they should be aware of the side effects. As a matter of fact, India has been transformed to an effective destination for hair transplantation surgery. Especially, in Delhi. Delhi is not only famous for being the capital of India it is also famous for most of the facilities are easily available in this city and if we talk about hair transplant surgery then there are many clinics like NHT who offers hair transplant at effective cost.
Process of Hair Transplant:
Hair transplantation requires moving hair grafts from the donor area of the scalp to the recipient area. Transplants happen to be an old process, and have been happening since long. Only thing is that technologies has been changed.
Hair transplantation starts by the process of cleaning the scalp. Thereafter, The scalp is injected with local anesthesia applied at back of the head. The Transplant process basically done by two methods FUT & FUE.
FUT Process:
In FUT (Follicular unit Transplant), 6 to 10-inch skin strip is removed from back of the head by the surgeon. The removed strip of a strip of skin is then set aside. Next the scalp is sewn to close it. The sewn area is then instantly concealed by hair. After this, the strip is divided into 500 – 2000 small grafts.
Grafts contain some of the hairs and these hairs are then used for transplantation. However, the quality of transplantation depends on the type, color and quality of hair and the size of the area required for transplantation.
FUE Process:
In case of FUE (Follicular unit extraction) hair is transplanted from the back of the scalp. Hair follicles are removed from the back of the scalp which is again covered with existing hairs.
Thereafter, the grafts get prepared and the recipient area is getting cleaned. This is followed by using a needle or scalpel, with the help of which slits or holes are created. Individual grafts are then placed into each of the holes. The process can be executed between 4 to 8 hours depending on the desired results.
After the transplantation procedure, the scalp remains to be tender. Most of the patients have felt a persistent pain for a few days after transplantation. For pain relief, anti biotics are suggested. Usually most of the patients go back to a normal life after the surgery takes place. However, immediately following the surgical procedure, hair fall can be experienced. This will be experienced for the first 3 weeks. However, re-growth of hair occurs between 6 – 9 months as such.
Costs and risks of treatment
The cost of hair transplant varies as per the amount of hair to be transplanted. Generally, it ranges between Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 100000. The per graft cost which most of the clinics in Delhi offer is somewhere around Rs. 25/- to Rs. 35/-.
Patients are asked to take a detailed screening of the risks involved. Such as:
1. Pain Just after the few days of surgery. However, antibiotics are suggested by doctor.
2. Hair Fall after Hair Transplant? For This, You can read a proper guide: