Everyone is facing hair loss issues nowadays. There is simple reason behind this is their inappropriate diet, No Workouts, and always eating junks outside. However, there can be another reasons that cause hair loss that too especially in men. The 7 Main reasons we have added below and if you are one of them who is facing hair loss issues then i must advice you to keep a check on the causes.
Main Reasons That Cause Hair Loss:
1. Stress, tension and depression –
if you have stress, tension for work, home etc. You are in depression for most of the time. Then hair loss is must.
2. After pregnancy –
after pregnancy, most of hair fall occurs during shampooing and combing it. This condition is known as telogen effluvium. It may be occur after major surgery, after prolonged intake of some medications such as medication for depression, NSAIDS for pain relief, etc. in this condition, phases of growth of the hair are faster than normal which leads to short life of hair and can cause falling of the hairs.
- Duration of this condition – 1 ½ months to 3 months
- Treatment – reduce your stress and reduces the dosage of medication
3. Anaemia –
Hair loss due to some necessary elements such as iron and other substances are more common cause in females.
- Causes – prolonged menstrual bleeding that losses more iron
- Less intake of iron rich food into daily diet
- Blood loss after injury
- Gastric mucosal cell atrophy
Symptoms – early fatigue, weakness, hair loss, less concentration power
Treatment – intake of iron rich food such as green leafy vegetables, intake of iron tablets orally
4. PCOD –
polycystic ovarian disease – in this condition, two or more cysts are formed in ovaries. It cause imbalance in the level of hormones which leads to hair fall.
5. Skin diseases of the scalp –
There are many skin conditions such as fungal infection of the scalp, dandruff, psoriasis etc they may also lead to hair fall.
In these conditions, production of scaly skin, excess oil production, development of fungus etc may hamper the health of hair and leads to falling of hair.
6. Alopecia areata –
in this condition, immunity destroys the follicle of the hair. Stress is a main cause of autoimmune disorders.
Presence of Round or oval shaped smooth patches of baldness on the scalp.
7. Over styling –
straightening, curling, ironing, and using of drier can cause damage to the shaft of hair and it breaks the hair column which leads to hair fall.