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Hair transplantation is the most advanced form of surgery taking place in the country. There are various clinics in all the major cities of India…

Wow is the answer when we see a woman’s with thick long hair! Simultaneously it is same with men also. But now a day’s hair…

Our hair is made up of shaft and root. Roots are made up of cells, these cells have a life cycle they grow, stay, die…

Cold Weather and Hair Loss? Some people have a notion that winter season can fuel loss of hair. However, experts claim that these kinds of…

Most of the expert medical practitioners in the field of hair transplantation, had agreed to the fact that hair transplant is a life-changing experience altogether!…

Hair is considered as one of the most crucial part of our body. We are living in the environment where we are surrounded by tremendous…

Everyone is facing hair loss issues nowadays. There is simple reason behind this is their inappropriate diet, No Workouts, and always eating junks outside. However,…

Pollution does not only refer to the chemicals emitting from industrial sectors and vehicles, multiple other factors are also included in the list that is…